Kellogg 2012 - 2013 Essay Tips
Discuss moments or influences in your personal life that have defined who you are today. (500 word limit)
- For most applicants, this essay will focus almost entirely on personal experiences, starting from the time you were young until what brought you to where you are today
- You can call out the most important personal situations or triggers that transformed and shaped your experiences, including the places you lived and your family and environment
- It's very natural to focus heavily on the people in your life when writing this - but be sure to provide the whole context of how / why they shaped you, not purely the relationship they bear with you
What have been your most significant leadership experiences? What challenges did you face, and what impact did you have? This is your opportunity to explain how you Think Bravely (personally and/or professionally). (500 word limit)
- What are leadership experiences? Situations that you’ve been in that you’ve been tested in, where a lot has been at stake, and you have led the way. They can be personal or professional, but you should cite at least one professional experience '
- Limit to three experiences at most - remember the theme of "think bravely" - describe situations where you thought and executed outside of your comfort zone
- What are leadership areas? The most obvious one here is the one that Kellogg touts the most – “team leadership” or “community leadership”. But to write a truly compelling essay, think beyond — what specific leadership areas are you looking to develop, that will tie in to the first part of your essay? Motivating and empowering large groups of people, leadership in the community, product leadership in an industry, executive communication skills, etc.
Imagine yourself at your Kellogg graduation. What career will you be preparing to enter, and how have the MBA and Kellogg helped you get there? (Please answer in terms of your program choice: One-Year, Two-Year, MMM, JD-MBA) (500 word limit)
- This is specifically asking about your immediate post-Kellogg goal, but it's okay to discuss long term goals as well
- Describe the transition between where you are now and your goal in the past tense - i.e., what strengths and knowledge did you gain at Kellogg that helped you get there?
- Describe the holistic Kellogg experience - the curriculum, the co-curricular activities and also the extra-curriculurs and your community involvement.
What one interesting or fun fact would you want your future Kellogg classmates to know about you? (25 words or less)