Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Berkeley Haas Essay Tips and Guidance 2013 - 2014

If you could choose one song that expresses who you are, what is it and why? (250 word maximum)
  • What can we say, don't pick "I'm sexy and I know it!" :-)
  • Great question - but also tough - remember to explain why the song is important to you - not just because it was played at a certain event etc. - it should express who you are.

What is your most significant accomplishment? (250 word maximum)
  • Pick only one accomplishment - can be personal or professional - describe why you think it is your most significant accomplishment
  • To the extent possible, try and qualify and/or quantify the impact of what you did so that a reader can relate to it more easily -- this is especially true if you are picking a professional situation

Describe a time in the last three years when you overcame a failure. What specific insight from this experience has shaped your development? (250 word maximum)
  • Please people – a failure is a failure.  It’s not supposed to make you look good – i.e., don’t use examples where you fixed something that you broke
  • Take only 2 – 3 sentences to describe the failure itself – and spend the majority of this essay explaining how you overcame it, why it was important and what you learned from it
  • Note:  For some reason, candidates are very tempted to include a second story about when they were in the exact same situation and then reacted differently to it.  You do NOT need to reiterate what you learned by saying this way.

What are your post-MBA short-term and long-term career goals? How have your professional experiences prepared you to achieve these goals?
b. How will an MBA from Haas help you achieve these goals? (750 word maximum for 4a. and 4b.)

The most challenging part of this essay is the writing – that is, writing a 750 word essay that has a tight structure, smooth transitions, and content that keeps the reader interested and engaged in your story.

To keep it as structured as possible, avoid going back and forth chronologically – keep the timeline as easy as possible on the reader.  A simple approach to this that usually works:
  • Prior professional experiences and background
  • Short-term goals
  • Long-term goals
  • How the MBA is a bridge between your past and your goals
  • Why Haas?  (should be completely tied in with all the previous pieces).

Ideally, all of these fragments should have one theme – one consistent story about your professional life and future goals that give AdCom a real detailed picture of what you are bringing to Haas.