Saturday, December 19, 2009

General Essay Guidance

A few general instructions that apply to all Business School essays...

1. Follow the instructions - Stay within the word count (if you are 5 words over, you can edit 5 words away no matter what), follow the font and line spacing instructions and any specific submission instructions such as putting your name on the top of each page, etc. Look for these instructions because sometimes they're not easy to find.

2. Be yourself - Re-read your essays and make sure you hear your own voice. Don't try to package yourself into someone who you think will be accepted. The AdComs are experts at detecting these "packaged" essays and will not let them pass, even if you have outstanding academic and professional qualifications.

3. Get your essays reviewed! You might think this is biased coming from me, but seriously, get your essays read by somebody besides the people who know you. Your family and friends hear your voice and know a lot about you besides what's in the essay, so they view it very differently than the AdCom would. Get your essays reviewed by a third party (try us or try someone else) - it will be worth it, especially given the time you have already put into them. Ideally, this independent party should be B-school students or alums themselves.

4. Use the optional essay only if you need to - For schools that give you an optional essay to describe anything that may not already be covered, use it only if you must - otherwise, let it go.