Over the last few weeks, a number of you wrote to us asking if the HBS alum could post a blog on the HBS interview experience so here it is...
"The HBS interview is not the Wharton interview - don't go in expecting a casual conversation that you can drive. Go in expecting an interview that will be driven mostly by the interviewer. Expect them to be taking notes and assessing you during the interview. Expect a few tough questions - also, expect that you will get almost no encouragement from the interviewer while you are speaking. Of course, it could turn out that your experience is much more casual than this, but we would encourage you to go in expecting this.
The interviewer will know you, your profile, your essays and your resume before you even step in to the room. They will look to see if they hear the same person that they read about - so be sure to stay authentic and true to the voice that you reflected in your application.
There could be one or maybe more deep dives into your resume - be prepared with at least a few snippets or phrases that you want to cover when a question like this comes up for any of the experiences you have on your resume. Same with questions about your undergraduate education. Expect a few behavioral questions too.
HBS interviewers are either AdCom or a few select alumni so they are experts are doing this (vs. interviewing with students at some other schools). Walk in confident, but not arrogant, and describe your experiences with humility. Show your personal side and give the interviewer something to remember you by when they are done at the end of the day.
Don't forget to Practice, Practice, Practice - webcam, mirror, mock interview with family / friends (and us!). Good luck!"
To do a mock interview with a HBS alum, send us your preferred time slots (EST) in an email at essaycritique@gmail.com